SQP's Wolf books
   Wolf - Images From The Book Of The Forbidden  (vol.1)

   Wolf - More Images From The Book Of The Forbidden  (vol.2)

   Naked Justice
                                             (1997 / 1999 / 2003 - SQP (Sal Quartuccio Publications))  

          Wolf - Images From The Book Of The Forbidden (vols 1 & 2)      Neither volume is appropriate for children or adolescents.  These are 48-page collections of pencil-drawings with paintings for the covers.  Both volumes are slightly smaller than standard at 6.5-by-10-inches.  Volume 1 scores higher than its sequel, having 46 full-page reproductions and one page with multple images on it, while Volume 2 has about the same, but five of the pieces are long images turned sideways.  The first has many of the drawings accompanied by a short blurb detailing the specifics of the created comic character or villianess being presented.  A handful of the drawings in each book adhere to a standard pin-up model, busty women wearing only the barest of super-heroine / villainess accoutrements - cape, hood, mask or the remains of tattered spandex.  A significant part of each volume is then taking the historic onslaught of comic-book cover art, depicting bound & restrained femmes, to a whole other level and mixing in some sadism.  Finally, another small portion of each shifts those situations into a place where adult themes take over and the books earn their 'adults-only' warnings.

     Naked Justice      Not appropriate for children or adolescents.  The third time was definitely not the charm here.  The spine, cover and title page also carry the squibs, THE FORBIDDEN ART OF WOLF - SUPERHEROES IN BONDAGE !, and indeed, if seeking this particular book, double-confirm your order as there are several vastly-different volumes utilizing the same basic title.  This 64-page volume is of roughly 'standard' dimensions, but the on-going theme of these sketchy collections now just seems repetitive and tired.  It is related here that a good number of the pages are derived for drawing-'roughs' laid out in sequential fashion, as the idea was using them to develop graphic stories (which I don't think have seen publishing).  So, after counting out the sequential works, there are 43 pages sporting large pencil-drawings of the satirically over-amped abusive goings-on and another six with multiple drawings displayed.  The front & back covers are two other works that have been inked & colored for a much more finished look than the interior drawings.  The subject of the 'stand-alone' works is identical to those described in the two books above, but I should mention that, while adult, the sadism of those volumes seemed more dismissable - as if they were classifiable with female mud-wrestling promotions, and then this newer book adds some male villains to the mix which, just by itself, takes the whole project to a much more disturbing place, possibly giving some perusers a whiff of misogyny.

other SQP monographs

  SQP's Fastner & Larson books

  The Pin-Up Art Of Archie Dickens vols.1 & 2

  Girls On Top ! - The Pin-up Art Of Matt Dixon

  The Art Of Walter Girotto

  The Art Of John Bolton

  SQP's Dave Nestler books

  Barry Blair & Colin Walbridge:  Nymphettes

  Sorceress - The Mike Hoffman Sketchbook  (vol.1)

  Inferno - The Art Of Tomas Giorello

  SQP's Rich Larson books

  The Beast Within - The Art Of Ken Barr

  Nik Guerra:  Undressed - A Gallery Of Fetishwear

  The Art Of Gennadiy Koufay -  Heatwave

  The Art Of Rudy D. Nebres

  The Art Of Pelaez

  The Pin-Up Art Of Jay Scott Pike

  The Dark Art Of Tony Mauro

  Tommy Castillo:  Dragons, Myths & Mayhem

  The Daniel Horne Sketchbook

  The Savage Art Of Bob Larkin   vol.1

  Xotica - The Art Of Esteban Maroto

  Sanjulian - Master Visionary

  Fatal Beauty - The Boada Sketchbook

  The Art Of Monte M. Moore - Mystica

  The Art Of Michael Möbius - Sheer Desire

  The Art Of Ricky Carralero

  The Art of Andreas Raufeisen

  Spellbound - The Keith Parkinson Sketchbook

  Flesh & Fire 2 - The Blas Gallego Sketchbook vol.2

  Pucker - The Seductive Art Of Matt Busch

  Cruel And Unusual - The Greg Loudon Sketchbook

  The Art Of Roca

  Savage Hearts - The Clyde Caldwell Sketchbook  Vol.1

  The Art Of Maxx Marshall

  Kingsgate:  The Art Of Keith Parkinson

  The Art Of Mitch Byrd

  Midnight High - The Deadly Art of Tom Artis

  Hellbent - The Art Of Flint Henry

  Michal Dutkiewicz:  Girls ! - From Line To Color

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