Great Balls Of Fire !
                                             (1977 - Pierrot Publishing)  

     (by Harry Harrison)  Not appropriate for children or adolescents.  Marked on the covers as "An Illustrated History of Sex In Science-Fiction" or "A History of Sex In Science-Fiction Illustration".  I'd have to say it's more of the latter.  118 pages, of which a little more than half are dominated by art - 47 pages each being large reproductions of a single piece of art.  Unfortunately, other pages have any number of black-&-white pictures of color magazine & book covers, as well as a couple of examples of sequential art.  The one double-page spread, a panoply of fine-drawn fantasy characters, suffers from the intrusion of the book's gutter.  The captioning is haphazard.  Even though there are two pages given over to detailing the artists and sources, they are strangely incomplete, with additional artist names needing to be found in the page-indexed acknowledgements (and even then, a handful of images go un-credited).  Harrison's essay isn't as in-depth as you might want, but it hits all its marks and doesn't tax the brain-stem too much.  His chapters are titled:  The Sex Queen Of Outer Space, Early Promise, Strange Relations, A Matter Of Plumbing, The Whip Cracks-Or Is Krafft-Ebing?, Fetish For Main Course, Is Conan Dating Clark Kent ?, The Chains Cast Off . . ., and . . . The Gates Thrown Wide.  While female nudes harmlessly abound, along with a couple of males, several of the images deal with adult themes, making me keep it put away from children.  The artists that can be found 'well-presented' here are:  Neal Adams, Allen Anderson (3)*, Jim Burns (2)***, Dick Calkins, Caza, Richard Corben (2), Philippe Druillet (5), Enrich, Virgil Finlay, Frank Kelly Freas**, Jean Giraud (Moebius) (2), Russ Heath (2), Jeffrey Catherine Jones**, Macedo (3), Esteban Maroto (2), Jean-Michel Nicollet (2), Hubert Rogers, Sanjulian (3), Romain Slocombe, Jean Solé, Barney Steel, George Torjussen, Alex Toth, Boris Vallejo**, Voss, Wally Wood & UNKNOWN ARTIST (4)

* - Note that the 'well-presented' pieces here by Anderson can additionally be found so is his own collection on The List.

** - Amazingly, the 'well-presented' pieces here by Freas, Jones, and Vallejo cannot be found so in any of their own collections here on The List.

*** - In regards to Burn's 'well-presented' pieces here, one, but not both, can be found so in his own collections higher up The List.

other Sci-Fi art collections

  Planet Of The Apes Artist Tribute

  Science Fiction Art

  Sztuka Science Fiction Art

  Tomorrow And Beyond - Masterpieces Of Science Fiction Art

  Worlds Beyond Time - Sci-Fi Art Of The 1970s

  The New Visions - A Collection Of Modern Science Fiction Art

  Infinite Worlds - The Fantastic Visions Of Science Fiction Art

  Visions Of The Future

  2000 A.D. - Illustrations From The Golden Age Of Science Fiction Pulps

  Collectors Press's Sci-Fi collections

  Encyclopedia Of Science Fiction

  One Hundred Years Of Science Fiction Illustration

  Fantastic Science Fiction Art 1926-1954

  A Pictorial History Of Science Fiction

  Bradbury - An Illustrated Life

  Alien Invasions!  The History Of Aliens In Pop Culture

  The Science Fiction Book

  Spacecraft In Fact And Fiction  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Science Fiction - An Illustrated History  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Science Fiction - The Illustrated Encyclopedia  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Space Wars - Fact And Fiction  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Visual Encyclopedia Of Science Fiction  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Forrest J. Ackerman's World of Science Fiction  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Fantastic Planets  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Alternate Worlds - The Illustrated History Of Science Fiction  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Science In Science Fiction  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Unearthly Visions  [BELOW THE LINE]

Other Pierrot Publishing releases

  Fantastic People

  The Immortals Of Science-Fiction

  Alien Landscapes


  Jim Burns:  Planet Story

  Tour Of The Universe  [BELOW THE LINE]

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