Mechanismo (by Harry Harrison) Note the chapter titles: Star Ships, Mechanical Man, Weapons And Space Gears, Space Cities and Fantastic Machines. For each of these, Harry Harrison writes a two or three page essay on how these technologies are reflected in the science-fiction writings that came before, accompanied by a number of related full-color paintings, or reproductions of what I assume are two-tone originals (though I identified at least two that had full-color originals . . .). Also, for each chapter there are faux-file 'printouts' that have the conceit that we are seeing some explanatory document abut a real vehicle or object, often accompanied by some cut-away graphic of the thing from Brian Lewis. Several examples of the artwork are also 'written-up', describing the real things or events they are stated to be depictions of (manufactured for their appearance here). I recognize many of the pieces from being used elsewhere, but it is possible that some were specially commissioned for this book, as the original publishing company has a couple of science-fiction art books, contemporary to this one, that were produced completely that way. Anyway, the presentation of many the art-pieces is excellent, being mostly full-bleeds or framed with vibrant non-white colors. Unfortunately, there was almost enough other detritus to keep this book from scoring well enough to make it up onto The List. For instance, there are 17 double-page spreads, of which only half could be said to still be viable after being split & distorted by the central gutter, and those only barely so at that. So, a 118-page book with 62 art pages, 61 of those being single full-page reproductions. None of the works are captioned, but there is a credits page at the end of the book where, by page-number, artists are identified - well, only the modern artists, as the couple of examples of classic S.F. illustration were apparently not thought worthy of identifying. These are the well-presented artists to be found here: Chris Achilleos, Léon Benett, Jim Burns (5), Alan Daniels (7), Jennifer Eachus, Bob Fowke, H.R. Giger (2), Colin Hay (2), Bob Lazell (3), Brian Lewis, Angus McKie (7), Ralph McQuarrie, Russell Mills, Terry Oakes, Tony Roberts, Mike Wilkes and UNKNOWN. There is just a little bit of nudity to be seen among the character studies. Other Pierrot Publishing releases The Immortals Of Science-Fiction Tour Of The Universe [BELOW THE LINE] SEND US A COMMENT (goes via e-mail - all info kept anonymous, but comment itself may be shared . . .) |