Alien Landscapes (by Robert Holdstock & Malcolm Edwards) A large 11-inch-by-11-inch travelogue, if you will, of some of the most famous 'worlds' from classic science-fiction, namely, Clarke's Rama, MCaffrey's Pern, Blish's Okie Cities, Clement's Mesklin, Harrison's Eros, Herbert's Arrakis, Niven's Ringworld, Asimov's Trantor, Aldiss' Hothouse and the end of Earth as described by Wells. Well, in actuality, while some of the pieces are pure landscapes, most serve as action illustrations from the author's stories happening there. The pieces were commissioned for this book. 57 pages, of the book's 116, feature the well-presented art, framed by a different vibrant color for each world. Those pages hold one single-page piece and then 28 double-page spreads. The split in the middle of all these images is usually handled okay, with only 2 or 3 distorted losers, but my preference would have been for each of them to be preserved on a single page. The rest of the book is the text, along with examples of a map, chart and faux-newspaper display. Each artist got their own world/story to depict and they were: Jim Burns (3), Les Edwards (2), Bob Fowke (3), Linda & Roger Garland (3), John Harris (3)***, Colin Hay (2), Stuart Hughes (3), Angus McKie (3), Terry Oakes (3) and Tony Roberts (2). *** - Note that regarding the 'well-presented' pieces here by Harris, some, but not all, can be found in his own collection up on The List. Other Pierrot Publishing releases The Immortals Of Science-Fiction Tour Of The Universe [BELOW THE LINE] SEND US A COMMENT (goes via e-mail - all info kept anonymous, but comment itself may be shared . . .) |