Paper Tiger's Tim White collections
   The Science Fiction And Fantasy World Of Tim White
                                             (1981/1988 - Paper Tiger)  

     The Science Fiction And Fantasy World Of Tim White    (1981)    This is the first of two volumes released by Paper Tiger focusing on Tim White and his SF & Fantasy work (the book's first edition was from the publishers New English Library).  It scores particularly well, mostly featuring large reproductions, usually uncluttered by other images (and, two-thirds of time, backgrounded in black or light-grey).  Out of the book's 144 pages, 131 do exactly that - note that 62 of those pages are utilized for 31 images that are larger than a single page (with only three flunking out completely with the center distortion).  And there are eight more pages that *do* present multiple images together.  Most paintings are from covers of genre book releases.  There is an excellent image index in the back that details to what use the work was put, with title, author, publisher, release-year and original's metric dimensions.  The artist's voice is 'heard' in a number of places, relaying anecdotes associated with the pieces.

     Chiaroscuro    (1988)    This is another 144-page volume, ranking after SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY WORLD OF TIM WHITE that had been released years beforehand.  It repeats only a single image from that earlier & better collection.  There are 44 pages utilized here to present another 22 large reproductions that spread over the book's gutter - all of which admirably do so without failing miserably due to mis-negotiating the central distortion.  Then 80 more pages themselves display a full-page reproduction (most once more being backgrounded by black or light-grey), and then there are seven more pages that have two or three images gathered together.  There's a two-page alphabetical index to the images in the back (excluding the handful of exhibited drawings) providing title, publisher and creation-year for each.  Same genre split to be found - a large selection of Isaac Asimov SF cover art is represented here, but conversely, the same could be said of Roger Zelazny's fantasy books.

Related Books

  Tim White:  Mirror Of Dreams

  Tim White:  Mouches  (*Flies*)  [BELOW THE LINE]

other Paper Tiger monographs

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  The Fantasy Art Techniques Of Tim Hildebrandt

  Paper Tiger's Ciruelo books

  Peter Jones:   Solar Wind

  Offerings - The Art Of Brom

  Paper Tiger's Bob Eggleton collections

  Mark Harrison's Dreamlands

  Ron Miller:  Firebrands - The Heroines Of Science Fiction & Fantasy

  Paper Tiger's Jim Burns books

  Journeyman - The Art Of Chris Moore

  Tom Adams' Agatha Christie Cover Story

  Mermaids And Magic Shows - The Paintings Of David Delamare

  The Deceiving Eye - The Art Of Richard Hescox

  Parallel Lines - The Science Fiction Illustrations Of Peter Elson & Chris Moore

  Only Visiting This Planet - The Art Of Danny Flynn

  Inner Visions - The Art Of Ron Walotsky

  Enchanted World - The Art Of Anne Sudworth

  Frank Kelly Freas:   As He Sees It

  Hardyware - The Art Of David A. Hardy

  Paper Tiger's Julie Bell books

  Roger Dean:  Views

  The Art Of Richard Powers

  Linda & Roger Garland:  The Book Of The Unicorn

  Jeffrey Catherine Jones:   Yesterday's Lily

  Rick Griffin

  The Science Fiction Art Of Vincent DiFate

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