Tim White:  Mirror Of Dreams
                                             (1994 - Norma Editorial)  

     Including the front & back covers, 31 pages here display large colorful full-page paintings, mostly of fantasy subjects with a little bit of SF for spice.  Each of those interior pages is faced by a page with the titles and the stories behind the paintings, in Spanish, French & German, as well as our English (I wouldn't judge ours as first-rate translations . . .).  These 'caption pages' game my system a bit, as within their large amount of negative space, they also feature tiny-ish black-&-white drawings, frequently looking like sketch preliminaries, or maybe comps.  There are five additional such pages that are compacted a bit because they have to make room for their five corresponding paintings growing even larger, over the central gutter (all are "o.k." in that presentation, while not really enhanced).  Counting out another two pages displaying mirrored twin drawings of more substantial size and you are finally left with a concise introduction (repeated in all the same languages).  Both volumes, THE SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY WORLD OF TIM WHITE and CHIAROSCURO, score as a better-presented collections of this artist's work, but you'll want this book too, as there are found here only 11 repeated images from those books.

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