Frank Kelly Freas:   As He Sees It
                                             (2000 - Paper Tiger)  

     A later collection of Freas' art, but the highest placed on The List, so far.  A 112-page book, 75 art-pages, with 74 of those being 'well-presented', large reproductions of his works.  Among those pages are six double-page spreads, of which four could be considered successful.  Each painting and drawing has an anecdote, along with captioning about its title, medium, size and information about how it was used, with the author's name, if it was an illustration.  Being the third time out, his text covers less of his life and is more commentary about how his art comes into being and his thoughts about the choices he makes all along the way.  Note that there is also an index to the art pieces collected here. If you like what you see here, you will also want the earlier two painting collections, A SEPARATE STAR and FRANK KELLY FREAS - THE ART OF SCIENCE FICTION.  This book may have more spacescapes, abstract art and his humorous drawings than the other two, but you'll find here a panoply of witches, zombies, genies, aliens, spaceships & robots.  Interestingly, he had gotten commissions for his art to accompany a number of science-fiction classics, as well as several portaits of SF personages (including incorporating images of himself, where appropriate).

Related Books

  A Separate Star

  Frank Kelly Freas - The Art Of Science Fiction

  The Kelly Freas Collection (Heritage Auction Comics Catalogue supplement (2004 October - # 813-C))

  The Astounding Fifties  [BELOW THE LINE]

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  Paper Tiger's Jim Burns books

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