The Fantastic Worlds Of Frank Frazetta For a couple of years this collection was expressed only as one of Taschen's huge 'XXL' editions, and considering my experiences with those, it probably wouldn't have gotten much of a recommendation from us (they're just TOO big). But now, they have released it as the not-as-big '40th Edition' and I'm quite taken with it. Of course it's smaller (8.75-by-6.5-inches), slightly re-formulated, and yet more manageable with its bit-more-than-ideal 480 pages. Because of its curated comprehensiveness, I think it easily takes on the role of "the only Frazetta book you need, if you can only have one", despite THE FANTASTIC PAINTINGS OF FRAZETTA and the three Underwood retrospectives all scoring better as individual collections. Within these covers, you have 12 art pages that gather together multiple images, in addition to the 338 each featuring some reproduction. Yes, 199 of those exhibits are repeats of items found in the better-scoring volumes (four of those getting even-better displays of them here), and then another 122 new ones to be featured for the first time in the 'progression' of his monographs. All areas of the artist's career are sampled, even showing a large MAD magazine panorama for which Frazetta hand-colored over-70 celebrity caricatures that Mort Drucker penciled. The captions are in English, dating the displays along with giving the medium, size (also in metric), and frequently an explanation or anecdote. There's also 44 pages of English text providing the extensive commentary (and another 46 with the German & French translations). Related Books Frank Frazetta - The Underwood retrospectives The Fantastic Art Of Frank Frazetta Ballantine books Frank Frazetta - The Living Legend Frazetta - A Retrospective (Alexander) Frank Frazetta - Art And Remembrances Doc Dave Winiewicz Frazetta Collection Catalog Baby, You're Really Something ! [BELOW THE LINE] Frank Frazetta Book One [BELOW THE LINE] The Ultimate Triumph [BELOW THE LINE] The Frazetta Treasury [BELOW THE LINE] Frazetta Index Bonanza [BELOW THE LINE] Frank Frazetta: Illustrations Arcanum [BELOW THE LINE] Frank Frazetta Index [BELOW THE LINE] Frank Frazetta portfolios [BELOW THE LINE] Drawings and Watercolors of Frank Frazetta [NEVER RELEASED] Other Taschen monographs The Little Book of Pin-Up: Driben The Little Book Of Pin-Up: Elvgren Norman Rockwell (Marling-Taschen) Gil Elvgren - All His Glamorous American Pin-ups (Martignette) SEND US A COMMENT (goes via e-mail - all info kept anonymous, but comment itself may be shared . . .) |