Frank Frazetta Index
                                             (1975 - Fred Nardelli)  

     [-BELOW THE LINE-]     (compiled by Fred Nardelli)    The cover of this book has one of Frazetta's pieces that hasn't yet got a large & featured reproduction in any of the artist's collections.  There is nothing else to recommend this publication.  It's really just a singular fanzine that attempted to pull together the information about all the appearances of Frazetta's art up to that still-early point of his career.  It's 28 pages, which are just large sheets doubled-over and stapled on the fold.  Other than that cover, it has a small handful of images which are almost all black-&-white reproductions of color images.  Of course the information is now well incomplete, and even as careful as they were, they still fell victim to a couple of unidentified artworks that were produced instead by Frazetta-wanna-be's.  It seems hard to find this book, but then again, you just don't need to.

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  Frank Frazetta - The Underwood retrospectives

  The Frazetta Pillow Book

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  The Fantastic Art Of Frank Frazetta   Ballantine books

  Frank Frazetta - The Living Legend

  Frazetta - A Retrospective  (Alexander)

  Frank Frazetta - Art And Remembrances

  Doc Dave Winiewicz Frazetta Collection Catalog

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  Frank Frazetta  Book One  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Ultimate Triumph  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Frazetta Treasury [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frazetta Index Bonanza   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta:   Illustrations Arcanum   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta portfolios   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Drawings and Watercolors of Frank Frazetta  [NEVER RELEASED]

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