Frank Frazetta  Book One
                                             (1996 - Frazetta Publications)  

     [-BELOW THE LINE-]   (edited by Ellie Frazetta)   The title on this book's spine is FRANK FRAZETTA BOOK ONE, but note that only FRAZETTA appears on the cover and the copyright indicia.  There was no BOOK TWO or any other follow-up book after this one.  Interestingly, in format it is very very much the same as the first few Ballantine collections, so you could think of it as if it was the sixth collection of that series.  One blank page, with only the title and the poster number, opposite 33 paintings or drawings, mostly not collected in the five Ballantine collections.  Almost all the illustrative paintings produced later in his career are gathered here.  Unfortunately, ten of the paintings & drawings are turned sideways because of their length.  For that reason, and that reason alone, this book didn't make it up on to The List, so if that doesn't bother you, then you are probably going to want to add this book to your Frazetta collection.  Let's say you have already gotten all the Frazetta books that made it up on to The List, you would then find here six new paintings and three new drawings.

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  The Fantastic Art Of Frank Frazetta   Ballantine books

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  Frazetta - A Retrospective  (Alexander)

  Frank Frazetta - Art And Remembrances

  Doc Dave Winiewicz Frazetta Collection Catalog

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  The Ultimate Triumph  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Frazetta Treasury [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frazetta Index Bonanza   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta:   Illustrations Arcanum   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta Index   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta portfolios   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Drawings and Watercolors of Frank Frazetta  [NEVER RELEASED]

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