Frank Frazetta - The Living Legend
                                             (1981 - Frazetta Prints)  

     This is a book focused solely on Frazetta's drawing work.  54 of the 96 pages are full-sheet presentations of them.  The rest of the pages are given over to photographs, biographical text, comic pages and strips.  The 10-page origin story of Thun'da, King of the Congo, is reprinted in its entirety.  Unfortunately, there are a few black-&-white photographs of his paintings and some longer works have been displayed sideways.  There is no captioning of the drawings, but the contents page reveals that they are put together as illustration groupings from BUCK ROGERS, AT THE EARTH'S CORE, PELLUCIDAR and selections from various portfolios, with LORD OF THE RINGS, KUBLA KHAN and WOMEN OF THE AGES present in their entirety.  So, if you already have the higher-recommended Underwood retropsectives, PILLOW BOOK, FRAZETTA SKETCHBOOK I & II, ROUGH WORK and the Ballantine books, you will still find here 18 new large drawings.  As usual, Frazetta's work includes a number of nudes, both male & female.

Related Books

  Vanguard's Frazetta books

  Frank Frazetta - The Underwood retrospectives

  The Frazetta Pillow Book

  Rough Work


  The Fantastic Art Of Frank Frazetta   Ballantine books

  Frazetta - A Retrospective  (Alexander)

  Frank Frazetta - Art And Remembrances

  Doc Dave Winiewicz Frazetta Collection Catalog

  Baby, You're Really Something !  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta  Book One  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Ultimate Triumph  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Frazetta Treasury [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frazetta Index Bonanza   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta:   Illustrations Arcanum   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta Index   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta portfolios   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Drawings and Watercolors of Frank Frazetta  [NEVER RELEASED]

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