Frazetta Index Bonanza
                                             (2001 - Scott Co.)  

     [-BELOW THE LINE-]    (by Milton Courter)   As you might have guessed, this book is all information and almost nothing else.  You can see Frazetta's painting on the cover and I'll tell you that on the indicia page, there's a fetching featured fantasy drawing by Jeff Peterson - and that's it for art.  Canvassing seemingly all of the published appearances of Frazetta's art (up to 2001), including portfolios & fanzines, detailing the pieces displayed and usually (extremely usefully) listing in that entry where *else* you will find the listed piece.  The compiler has digested that cover-paintings are usually best known under the title of the original book they graced, and alternatively the Frazetta empire frequently chose to later market the resulting prints & stuff using different names, so then has masterfully juggled all the different titles throughout the book (not to mention handling the artist's own penchant for revising original paintings after publication to establish new images, sometimes preferred, sometimes not . . .).  However, Frazetta's main drawings are tracked un-entitled, instead utilizing descriptions, and then finally, sketches are only registered in the generic.

Related Books

  Vanguard's Frazetta books

  Frank Frazetta - The Underwood retrospectives

  The Frazetta Pillow Book

  Rough Work


  The Fantastic Art Of Frank Frazetta   Ballantine books

  Frank Frazetta - The Living Legend

  Frazetta - A Retrospective  (Alexander)

  Frank Frazetta - Art And Remembrances

  Doc Dave Winiewicz Frazetta Collection Catalog

  Baby, You're Really Something !  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta  Book One  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Ultimate Triumph  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Frazetta Treasury [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta:   Illustrations Arcanum   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta Index   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta portfolios   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Drawings and Watercolors of Frank Frazetta  [NEVER RELEASED]

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