Frank Frazetta - Art And Remembrances
                                             (2013 - Hermes Press)  

     (by Frank Frazetta, Jr.)   Obviously, this is first intended as a memoir by one of the artist's sons, but there is certainly enough art pages to qualify it up onto this artbook list.  Its large & long shape does allow some of Frazetta's wider artworks to get a big reproduction without resorting to a double-page spread.  In fact, this book has no double-page spreads.  Its 192 pages has 80 of them dominated by art, 55 of those being each with a single large presentation.  However, that artwork ranges all over, from nearly unrecognizable sketches of the young gifted child to finished paintings by the matured master.  The rest of the pages are filled with the author's text and a scrapbook's worth of photographs, certificates, articles and the like.  The art subjects touch upon nearly every phase of Frazetta's career.  There is some nudity, as you might imagine.  Most images are captioned, but I noted some inaccuracies.  Being primarily a casual biography, this is a low-ranking Frazetta artbook on our list, which recommends FRAZETTA BOOK COVER ART, FANTASTIC PAINTINGS OF FRAZETTA, all the Underwood retrospectives, THE FRAZETTA PILLOW BOOK, ROUGH WORK, FRAZETTA SKETCHBOOK I & II, the Ballantine collections, LIVING LEGEND and THE SENSUOUS FRAZETTA above it.  If you have all of those, you will find here two pieces with a better presentation than they've gotten yet, another five that get a good presentation for the first time and, finally, six new large-reproduced pieces that I didn't see collected in any of the others at all (though, the new pieces are mostly sketches & roughs . . .).  Note that the poster for the movie WHO'S MINDING THE MINT? is reproduced in the book, but online resources favor Jack Rickard as the actual artist of that piece.

Related Books

  Vanguard's Frazetta books

  Frank Frazetta - The Underwood retrospectives

  The Frazetta Pillow Book

  Rough Work


  The Fantastic Art Of Frank Frazetta   Ballantine books

  Frank Frazetta - The Living Legend

  Frazetta - A Retrospective  (Alexander)

  Doc Dave Winiewicz Frazetta Collection Catalog

  Baby, You're Really Something !  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta  Book One  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Ultimate Triumph  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Frazetta Treasury [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frazetta Index Bonanza   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta:   Illustrations Arcanum   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta Index   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta portfolios   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Drawings and Watercolors of Frank Frazetta  [NEVER RELEASED]

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