Frank Frazetta Portfolios
   Frazetta One
   Frazetta II
   Frazetta 1993
   The Magic Of Frank Frazetta
   More Magic Of Frank Frazetta
   The Sensuous Frazetta
   The Frazetta You Didn't Know About
   Burroughs Artist
   Women Of The Ages
   Buck Rogers
   Lord Of The Rings
   Kubla Khan
   Came The Dawn
   Fire And Ice
   Space Heroes

     [-ALL BELOW THE LINE-]   Certainly not art-BOOKS by any stretch of the imagination, but it seems worthwhile to track how these artworks figure into the body of Frazetta's canon being gathered into various collections.

     Frazetta Portfolio One  (1972 - Middle Earth Publishing)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   In this case, it is important to know that while 5 of the 7 plates can also be found well-presented in Ballantine's FRANK FRAZETTA BOOK FIVE, and another in ROUGH WORK, there remains one, a crouching spear-bearing nude female from behind, uncollected at the time of this coverage.  These plates seem to have been released later by Goblin Graphix and again by Frazetta Prints (who entitled theirs "Frazetta Art Issue # 1 Portfolio").  There was no cover to speak of as they were just delivered to the mail-order client loose in their envelope.

     Frazetta Portfolio II  (1976 - Falcon Press)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   In this case, it is important to know that while three of the six plates can also be found well-presented in the standard publications, there remains three (in addition to the cover); John Carter leaping at a Tark before Dejah Thoris, The Efficiency Expert and a spear-bearing olympian caveman; that have appeared only as small reproductions at the time of this coverage.

     Frazetta Portfolio 1993  (1993 - Tundra Publishing)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   In this case, it is important to know that all of these six plates can be found in THE FRAZETTA PILLOW BOOK.

     The Magic Of Frank Frazetta  (1975 - pirated)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   26 drawings, plus the cover, stapled together.  Six of them have not yet been 'well-presented' in any publication on The List, but the remaining 21 images are already yours, if you own ICON, LEGACY, TAPESTRY, FRAZETTA SKETCHBOOK II and LIVING LEGEND.  Though sometimes mistakenly presented by vendors otherwise, this was a bootleg product, one of a few, marketed through direct-mail in the mid-1970s.  If you are particularly seeking this item, beware you are not buying the sequel which had a problem (mentioned in the next entry) leading to its title not being correct.

     More Magic Of Frank Frazetta  (1975 - pirated)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   The cover of this 'publication' carried the title "The Magic Of Frank Frazetta" with the word "MORE" hand-stamped in red over the printed word "The", leading to a number of copies (or xeroxes of them . . .) where the red over-stamp cannot be discerned at all, which leads to the particular item being offered under the wrong title.  Check the accompanying cover art of the editions, which are decidely different, to insure the correct volume is being considered.  Though sometimes mistakenly presented by vendors otherwise, this was a bootleg product, one of a few, marketed through direct-mail in the mid-1970s.  26 drawings with a page dedicated to each, considered plates to be extracted from the stapled gathering, if so desired.  (two pages were used for the multiple images of a girl-centric zodiac).  A little less than half of these drawings, 12, cannot be found 'well-presented' in any readily-available artbooks on The List, but the other 14 can be had by buying ICON, THE FANTASTIC ART OF FRANK FRAZETTA-BOOK THREE & FIVE, LIVING LEGEND, THE SENSUOUS FRAZETTA and ART AND REMEMBRANCES.

     The Sensuous Frazetta  (1975 - pirated)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   In this case, it is important to know that all of these 20 plates can be found 'well-presented' in Vanguard Productions' release of the same title, THE SENSUOUS FRAZETTA.  All of the images seem to be illustrations he prepared for the 'racy' paperbacks produced by Midwood.  This was one of several unauthorized portfolios marketed by mail-order around that time.

     The Frazetta You Didn't Know About, A Portfolio - Captain George's Comic World 15  (1970 - Memory Lane Publications)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   This periodical (printed on newspaper stock) has been described as more of a fanzine, but this particular issue was identical with how portfolios were packaged for buyers.  In fact, this has every image that would appear in the later bootleg THE SENSUOUS FRAZETTA with two additional ones, along with the strangely unrelated adventure cover, unlabeled, which is an AT THE EARTH'S CORE illustration.  Anyway, again, all the images found here (originally produced for the Midwood paperbacks) are reproduced in Vanguard Production's release THE SENSUOUS FRAZETTA.

     Burroughs Artist Portfolio  (1973 - Jewels Of Opar Press)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   I've heard that this was an unauthorized release of Frazetta's art.  It included a single color plate of the first CARSON OF VENUS (a painting which can be found 'well-presented' in TESTAMENT) and another 21 drawing plates.  One of those plates, a bear attacking Tarzan on a ledge (from TARZAN AT THE EARTH'S CORE), has not yet been collected in good fashion, but all the rest can be had by owning ICON, FRAZETTA SKETCHBOOK II and LIVING LEGEND. (Note that partial sets of this portfolio, when found, seem to be spoken of as if they were part of a "PELLUCIDAR PORTFOLIO", or "AT THE EARTH'S CORE PORTFOLIO", or even "AT THE EARTH'S CORE AND PELLUCIDAR PORTFOLIO").

     Women Of The Ages Portfolio  (1977 - Middle Earth Publishing)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   In this case, it is important to know that all of these six plates & the cover can be found in FRANK FRAZETTA - THE LIVING LEGEND and most scattered through even higher ranking collections.

     Buck Rogers Portfolio  (1975 - Russ Cochran Publishing)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   In this case, it is important to know that all of these eight color plates can be found scattered throughout the three Underwood retrospectives, ICON, LEGACY and TESTAMENT.  These were produced from the original drawings for the covers of the comics FAMOUS FUNNIES # 209 - 216, colored by Frazetta.  They were delivered in an envelope (the image here, a logo executed by Frazetta for Russ Cochran's company, was the packaging for your ordered drawings.)

     Lord Of The Rings Portfolio  (1975 - Middle Earth Publishing)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   In this case, it is important to know that all of these six plates & the cover can be found in FRANK FRAZETTA - THE LIVING LEGEND and most scattered through even higher ranking collections.

     Kubla Khan Portfolio  (1977 - Frazetta Prints)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   In this case, it is important to know that all of these five plates can be found in FRANK FRAZETTA - THE LIVING LEGEND and most scattered through even higher ranking collections.  Interestingly, these 5 images were actually commissioned and used to illustrate a published completion of Coleridge's unfinished Kubla Khan poem.

     Came The Dawn Portfolio  (2003 - Frazetta Prints)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   In this case, it is important to know that all 32 of these plates can be found, half in each, in FRAZETTA SKETCHBOOK and FRAZETTA SKETCHBOOK II (the climatic plate was presented there as a double-page-spread and might not satisfy some, but I haven't found it better published in any other collection yet).  Also included here was a color plate of Frazetta's Self-Portrait, which can be found in TESTAMENT as well as some less recommended collections.

     Fire And Ice Portfolio  (1991 - Frazetta Prints)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   In this case, it is important to know that of the seven plates, only four of them, and the cover, can be found collected yet (in ICON, LEGACY, TESTAMENT and FRAZETTA SKETCHBOOK II).

     Space Heroes Portfolio  (1976 - Earthart Graphics)      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   Produced in partnership with Frazetta's friend & colleague Al Williamson.  First, there are eight large plates (11-by-17-inches) from full-page images, of which three were created soley by Williamson and the remaining five are Williamson's pencil drawings inked & finished by Frazetta.  Then another two sheets are formed as if they were comic pages, one being the same collaboration between the two artists and the other Williamson alone.  They seem to be pieces that were created during their times engaged on sci-fi comics in the 1950s, but unrealized or unpublished for whatever reasons.  None of the images have appeared 'well-presented' in any of the collections up on The List

Related Books

  Vanguard's Frazetta books

  Frank Frazetta - The Underwood retrospectives

  The Frazetta Pillow Book

  Rough Work


  The Fantastic Art Of Frank Frazetta   Ballantine books

  Frank Frazetta - The Living Legend

  Frazetta - A Retrospective  (Alexander)

  Frank Frazetta - Art And Remembrances

  Doc Dave Winiewicz Frazetta Collection Catalog

  Baby, You're Really Something !  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta  Book One  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Ultimate Triumph  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Frazetta Treasury [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frazetta Index Bonanza   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta:   Illustrations Arcanum   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Frazetta Index   [BELOW THE LINE]

  Drawings and Watercolors of Frank Frazetta  [NEVER RELEASED]

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