Shannon Stirnweis - 80 Years Behind The Brush
                                             (2015 - Illustrated Press)  

     This volume seems to have had a different genesis than its sibling monographs, being born out of the composition & materials that the painter put together for a recent public exhibition of his art.  The final result is one of the best glimpses I've seen into the somewhat typical life-story of the post-Golden-Age work-a-day illustrator who hustled for years to make a living & provide for a family before savvily transitioning to gallery work & the fine-art market.  And all the better for having the artist himself still available to help formalize the package in his angst-free, it's no-big-deal voice.  A side-note would be that I welcome that the book approaches right up to an ideal size *without* then tipping over it.  While it is filled with the artist's own commentary and career & instructional anecdotes, it still feels like a gallery book, with 92% being pages with featured large reproductions.  (Do know that about a sixth of those displays are his pre-professional developmental & training work).  His career exhibits here span book covers, as well as magazine, promotional & industrial illustration, and thru that, his fine-art work then seems to settle into the American frontier milieu that he had an affinity for, with Western & Native-American themes (and also with all the dramatic wildlife & landscape vignettes they can entail).

other Illustrated Press releases

  Tom Lovell Illustrator

  The Art Of Saul Tepper

  The Art Of Dean Cornwell

  The Art Of Allen Anderson

  The Life And Art Of Mead Schaeffer

  The Art Of Rafael DeSoto

  Reynold Brown - A Life In Pictures

  H.J. Ward

  Norman Saunders

  The Art Of Haddon Sundblom

  Illustration Magazine

other books with possible instructional value

  The Fantasy Art Techniques Of Tim Hildebrandt

  Empyrean - The Art Of Stephen Hickman

  The Art Of Dan Frazier - A Touch Of Fantasy

  Batman Masterpieces

  The Art Of Segrelles

  Imagination - The Art & Technique Of David A. Cherry

  Michal Dutkiewicz:  Girls ! - From Line To Color

  The Guide To Fantasy Art Techniques

  The Fantasy Art Of Stephen Hickman

  Dynamic Light And Shade

  Fantasy Art Techniques  (Vallejo)

  Solson's Gary & Al books

  Pin-Up Art  (MacPherson)  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Fantasy Workshop - A Practical Guide  (Vallejo & Bell)  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Steve Rude Sketchbook  [BELOW THE LINE]

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