The Fantasy Art Of Stephen Hickman
                                             (1989 - The Donning Company)  

     An admirable edition, but the much newer EMPYREAN-THE ART OF STEPHEN HICKMAN is the far better display of Hickman's art (but the 29 paintings found here, that aren't featured in it, make it a desired addition to your bookshelf too . . .).  There are no paintings here that aren't 'well-presented'.  37 plates are faced with a page of commentary on that painting, including his mentor-ish "technical notes" regarding it.  Then there's another four double-page-spreads which, while not my ideal, remain acceptable enough presented here.  While the paintings are captioned with only their title, there is included a list of the works, that does provide clues about what use they were first put to.  92 pages in all.

Related Books

  Empyrean - The Art Of Stephen Hickman

other books with possible instructional value

  The Fantasy Art Techniques Of Tim Hildebrandt

  Empyrean - The Art Of Stephen Hickman

  The Art Of Dan Frazier - A Touch Of Fantasy

  Batman Masterpieces

  The Art Of Segrelles

  Imagination - The Art & Technique Of David A. Cherry

  Michal Dutkiewicz:  Girls ! - From Line To Color

  The Guide To Fantasy Art Techniques

  Dynamic Light And Shade

  Fantasy Art Techniques  (Vallejo)

  Solson's Gary & Al books

  Pin-Up Art  (MacPherson)  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Fantasy Workshop - A Practical Guide  (Vallejo & Bell)  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Steve Rude Sketchbook  [BELOW THE LINE]

other releases from The Donning Company

  Michael Whelan:  Wonderworks

  Frank Kelly Freas - The Art Of Science Fiction

  Robotech Art 1, 2 & 3

  Imagination - The Art & Technique Of David A. Cherry

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