Visions Of Never
                                             (2009 - Vanguard Prods)  

     (edited by Patrick & Jeannie Wilshire)    Promoted as being the first of a series of such books (though no more were forthcoming), it focuses a strong spotlight on six artists, previously uncelebrated for their contributions to the illustration of fantasy & science-fiction.  Out of 128 pages, 88 each sport a featured large painting and another 30 pull together two or three.  14 of the large-repro pages are utilized to present seven double-page-spreads (of which two suffer because of the center gutter).  As each artist gets his own section, the works are captioned with just the title (and the copyright holder, if necessary).  As you will see within, each achieving a significant 'well-presented' presence, the artists are:  Richard Bober (14), Marc Fishman (12), Paul Lehr (12), Don Ivan Punchatz (13), Robh Ruppel (15), and Mark Zug (14).

other collections featuring both SF and Fantasy Art

  Dynamite's's combination SF & Fantasy collections

  Paper Tiger's combination SF & Fantasy collections

  The Art Of The Fantastic

  the books covering The Frank Collection

  Spectrum 12 - The Best In Contemporary Fantastic Art

  Masters Of Science-Fiction And Fantasy Art

  Heavy Metal - 25 Years Of Classic Covers

  The Illustrated History Of Warren Magazines - Illustrators Special #14

  The Exilian Crossection Art Folio

  Art Of Imagination

  The Forrest J Ackerman Scrapbook - Treasures From The Ackermansion  [BELOW THE LINE]

Other Vanguard releases

  Vanguard's Frazetta books

  Vanguard's Frank Brunner collections

  RGK - The Art Of Roy G. Krenkel

  The Paintings Of J. Allen St. John - Grand Master Of Fantasy

  The Fantastic Art Of Arthur Suydam

  Spies, Vixens, And Masters Of Kung Fu - The Art Of Paul Gulacy

  The Alluring Art Of Margaret Brundage

  Echoes - The Drawings Of Michael William Kaluta

  The Art Of Nick Cardy

  Vanguard's Wally Wood books

  The Amazing World Of Carmine Infantino  [BELOW THE LINE]

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