                                             (1975 - Peacock Press / Bantam Books)  

          (edited by David Larkin)   A Ballantine/Bantam monograph in their usual style of that period, 40 isolated plates, on the back of each, only a caption, with story title, the book it appeared in (and the publisher), along with a quote of the narrative passage that the art associated with.  Know that one of these plates is turned sideways.  There is a nine-page introduction, the text of each page taking up less than half of that page (leaving the rest blank).  The reproduction-quality seems acceptable and my four-decade-old soft-cover still seems to be holding up well.  The List recommends DULAC'S FAIRY TALE ILLUSTRATIONS IN FULL COLOR before this one and there are 14 repeats found here from that volume - however, one might say that a number of those are sporting better reproduction-quality in this older book...

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