Salvador Dali:  Dali   (Ballantine)
                                             (1974 - Ballantine Books)  

     (edited by David Larkin)   A Ballantine monograph in their usual style, 40 isolated plates, on the back of each, only a caption, with title, creation year and the current owner.  Actually, only 27 paintings are represented here, the other 13 images being extracts from those paintings, zooming in on some of the fascinating details.  Eight pages of text serve as introduction to the unique phenomenon that was Dali's persona.  At this time I haven't poured through other book collections of the artist's work, but this seems to be, at the least, a very serviceable venue to examine these displays.

other Ballantine/Bantam monographs

  The Outdoor Paintings Of Robert K. Abbett

  Ballantine's Brothers Hildebrandt books

  Michael Whelan's Works Of Wonder

  The Fantastic Art Of Frank Frazetta   Ballantine books

  The Western Art Of Harold Von Schmidt

  The Western Paintings Of Frank C. McCarthy

  Ballantine's Boris Vallejo books

  The Western Art Of Charles M. Russell


  The Aviation Art Of Keith Ferris

  Bill Hughes:  Star Wars - The Essential Chronology  [BELOW THE LINE]

  David Cherry & Rob Alexander: The World Of Shannara  [BELOW THE LINE]

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