SQP's 'Song' books:
Sword Song
Angel Song
Fairy Song
Mermaid Song
Night Song

                                             (2006 thru 2009 - SQP(Sal Quartuccio Publications))  

     Sword Song   Subtitled SISTERHOOD OF STEEL, this is the best scoring of these 64-page gatherings of reproductions.  The spine and indicia establish this as "volume 1", but no other volumes have been forthcoming.  Here you will find all paintings (but one is presented, unsuccessfully, as a double-page spread) with what seems to be high level of quality spread over quite a diversity of styles and approaches.  Some of the sisterhood are particularly rapturous with themselves, but the line to salaciousness is not crossed.  As is the scheme with this series, the images have no captions other than a title and, frustratingly, I wasn't good enough to be able to identify three of the unsigned paintings.  That leaves the list of 'well-presented' artists looking like this :  Cesar Britez (3), David Dunstan (3), Steven Fastner (2), Gonzalo Flores (2), Blas Gallego (3), Daniel Horne (2), James Hottinger (8), Venjamin Jimenez, Rich Larson (2), Scott Lewis, Greg Lopez (5), Malachi Malony (2), Anibal Maraschi (2), Jose Marin, Raffaele Marinetti (3), Brian Miroglio, Inaki Ormaetxea (4), Brocal Remohi (2), Romero (2), Arantza Sestayo (6), Carlos Valenzuela (2), and UNKNOWN (3).

     Angel Song   Subtitled A GLORIOUS COLLECTION OF HEAVENLY BODIES, this is a 64-page gathering of divine images.  In this case, it's feathery winged beauties.  All the pages, including the front & back covers, have 'well-presented' works, pretty evenly split between paintings and drawings (some executed in greytone or processed to be tinted a single color).  Four of the pages are used to present two double-page-spreads with one failing and the other being o.k.  Many of the angels are in topless display, but the entire exercise is less salacious than the book ANGEL LUST, put out by the same company.  Every art-piece has a title presented with it, but the artists are not credited on the same page (most have a clear signature).  The featured artists are:  Cesar Britez (5), Santiago Caruso (2), J.L. Czerniawski (4), Gonzao Flores (7), Diego Florio (3), Oscar Garcia (3), Danilo Guida (4), Greg Lopez, Anibal Maraschi (4), Juan Moreno, Dave Nestler, Joan Pelaez (5)**, Perla Pilucki (4), German Ponce (3), Armando Saldivar, Arantza Sestoya (11), Marcelo Sosa (2), and Enrique Villagran (4).  The spine & indicia establish this as "volume 1", but no other volumes have been released in the years after this one.

** - Note that the 'well-presented' pieces here by Pelaez cannot additionally be found so in his own collection on The List.

     Fairy Song   A 64-page collection evenly split between drawings and paintings.  Unfortunately, one piece is turned sideways because of its length.  As you might guess from the title, fairies are the subject of all the artwork.  As in other SQP collections, the large number of artists tapped for the project helps guarantee a healthy diversity, but when this book is taken as whole, there might be a perception of having been produced by a less 'accomplished' pool.  I would say that that perception is not totally due to the handful of pieces that embrace less realistic styles, because they, in particular, seem effective.  Most of the fairies are nude, but nothing really graphic is being portrayed.  While the names of the included artists are listed on the indica page, the artworks themselves are captioned only with a title.  The artists found here are: Gabriel Bobillo, Cesar Britez (6), Santiago Caruso (2), Pedro Cuevas (2), J.L. Czerniawski, Gonzalo Flores (3), Diego Florio (4), Danilo Guida (6), Dario Hartmann (2), Pablo Kousovitis, Brian LeBlanc, Anibal Maraschi (5), Lucio Parrillo, Joan Pelaez (5)**, Perla Pilucki (4), German Ponce (2), David Pugliese (2), Arantza Sestayo (5), Marcelo Sosa (4), Enrique Villagran (3)

** - Note that the 'well-presented' pieces here by Pelaez cannot additionally be found so in his own collection on The List.

     Mermaid Song   subtitled DESIRES OF THE DEEP, this is also a 64-page book, this time with paintings of mermaids.  (Well, some of these amphibious females run far afield from the traditional conception of a mermaid).  Two of the images are turned sideways.  While the assets of the mostly nude sea creatures are certainly 'on display', there really isn't any salaciousness present.  The roster of artists are listed on a single page, but the individual art-pieces are captioned only with a title.  Featured here are: Jose Aguilar, Ken Barr, Cesar Britez (2), Bruce Colero (2), Federico Combi (3), David Dunstan (2), Gonzalo Flores (6), Diego Florio (2), Danilo Guida (3), Daniel Horne (2), James Hottinger (2), Rich Larson (with Steve Fastner) (3), Brian LeBlanc (2), Greg Lopez (4), Malachi Maloney (2), Anibal Maraschi (3), Maxx Marshall, Inaki Ormaetxea (3), Joan Pelaez (2)**, Aldo Perez (2), Perla Pilucki (2), German Ponce (3), David Pugliese, Romero, Arantza Sestayo (6), and Enrique Villagran.

** - Note that the 'well-presented' pieces here by Pelaez cannot additionally be found so in his own collection on The List.

     Night Song   Not really suitable for children or adolescents.   This collection of paintings is subtitled VAMPIRE WOMEN OF THE CRIMSON ETERNAL.  A good number of these night-creatures come in pairs and enjoy each other's company a bit too much to get a 'family' rating here - which is not to say that some of the singles can't be just as salacious by themselves.  So this book gets put away from minors.  After that, we can say that nearly every one of the 64 pages here presents a painting, plus additional ones on the front & back covers (one of the interior pieces is turned sideways and one page has two smaller images that the compilers could just not choose between . . .).  While there is a list of included artists and each piece is entitled, there is nothing to clearly identify who created what.  Sure, most have styles or signatures that removes any guesswork, but that still leaves a healthy handful that have to be studied and compared to try and attach a name.  There is a pleasing diversity in this grouping that carries through from beginning to end.  The artists found here are:  Cesar Britez (4), Diego Cirulli, Federico Combi, David Dunstan, Alejandro Ferrero, Gonzalo Flores (3), Diego Florio (2), Danilo Guida (2), James Hottinger (7), Rich Larson (with Steve Fastner)(4), Greg Lopez (3), Malachi Maloney, Anibal Maraschi (2), Brian Miroglio (2), Percy Ochoa, Inaki Ormaetxea (6), Federico Ossio (3), Joan Pelaez (5)**, Perla Pilucki, Arantza Sestayo (7), Marcelo Sosa (2), and Carlos Valenzuela (5).

** - Note that the 'well-presented' pieces here by Pelaez cannot additionally be found so in his own collection on The List.

Other SQP collections

   SQP's Flirt books

  Treasured Chests  vol.3 & 4

  Spellbound - Black Magic Women

  Dino Babes

  SQP's 'Lust' books

  Jungle Tails  vol.1, 2 & 4

  Dragontails  vol.2 & 3

  Daughters Of Darkness vol.1

  Wet And Wild

  Devil Dolls vol.1

  Coven 1, 2 & 3

  Eternal Temptation  [vol.1]

  Mermaids   [vol.1]


  Dangerous Curves

  Spanking Tails  vol.2

  Drakaina Masters

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