Dino Babes
                                             (1997 - SQP (Sal Quartuccio Publications))  

      This book maximizes its art.  The pages with the title and indicia reduce those items to give more than half the page to the art.  Every remaining page (62) is just the art (and none turned sideways,no fold-outs and no bad double-page spreads).  Front and back covers are paintings.  Both inside covers are paintings (though one is actually an ad for a different artbook).  It does lose points for being not as comfortably thick as it could be, and for having no narrative context whatsoever (though each piece does carry its artist's name).  Some might wish that the few 'lighter' pencil works were developed more.  As you might imagine, DINO BABES is women & dinosaurs (and some cavemen & dragons thrown in for variety).  Clothes seemingly hadn't been invented yet, so there's a lot of nudity.  There's also a bit of innuendo in a couple of the images, but not enough for me to yank it out of a child's hands.  The artists are:  Mitch Byrd (4), Joe Chiodo, Carlos DeMiguel (6), Steve Fastner, Fred Fields (2), Blas Gallego (5), Tomas Giorello (6), Tom Grindberg (2), Daerick Gross (2), Mike Hoffman (3), Rich Larson, Llopis (3), J.L. Marin (5), Esteban Maroto (6), Ruben Meriggi (3), Cary Palkovitz, Keith Parkinson*, Luis M. Roca (4), Romero, Arantza Sestayo (6), Jose Torres (3) and Enrique Villagran (3)

* - Keith Parkinson's is a promotional piece that, of course, appears on the cover of his own collection down farther on the The List.

Other SQP collections

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  Treasured Chests  vol.3 & 4

  Spellbound - Black Magic Women

  SQP's 'Song' books

  SQP's 'Lust' books

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  Dragontails  vol.2 & 3

  Daughters Of Darkness vol.1

  Devil Dolls vol.1

  Wet And Wild

  Coven 1, 2 & 3

  Eternal Temptation  [vol.1]

  Mermaids   [vol.1]


  Dangerous Curves

  Spanking Tails  vol.2

  Drakaina Masters

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