                                             (2001 - SQP (Sal Quartuccio Publications))  

     A 64-page collection of black-&-white pieces, with paintings on the front and back covers.  Everything is large reproductions of the artists' work, but unfortunately three of the pieces are turned sideways because of their length.  Almost all the pieces have a finished feel about them and are captioned with the creators' names.  The conceit here is beautiful women "running with the pack", so to speak.  Each artist gets to show his or her knack for nature art, including wolves, wolfmen, cheetahs, lions, tigers, bears, gorillas, mandrills, chimpanzees, lemurs, elephants, rhinos, badgers, iguanas, crocodiles, snakes, killer whales, sharks, hawks, falcons, geese, parrots, spiders, mice, horses, water buffalos, bulls, bats, cats, dogs and robo-dogs.  And since the depicted animals are au naturel, then why shouldn't most of the girls ?  The artists found 'well-presented' here are: Amadeu (2), Ramon Bachs (3), Sebastià Boada (5), Mitch Byrd (3), Juan Cano (3), Capdevila (2), Pedro Cuevas, Isaac DelRivero (2), Tomas Giorello (9), Josep Gual (2), Brian LeBlanc, Llopis (2), Anibal Maraschi (3), Ruben Meriggi (3), Daniel Pascarelli (9), Joan Pelaez (4)***, Luciano Quintabani (3), James Ryman (3) and Jose Torres.

*** - Note that in regards to the 'well-presented' pieces here by Pelaez, some, but not all, can additionally be found so in his own collection on The List.

Other SQP collections

   SQP's Flirt books

  Treasured Chests  vol.3 & 4

  Spellbound - Black Magic Women

  SQP's 'Song' books

  Dino Babes

  SQP's 'Lust' books

  Jungle Tails  vol.1, 2 & 4

  Dragontails  vol.2 & 3

  Daughters Of Darkness vol.1

  Wet And Wild

  Devil Dolls vol.1

  Coven 1, 2 & 3

  Eternal Temptation  [vol.1]

  Mermaids   [vol.1]

  Dangerous Curves

  Spanking Tails  vol.2

  Drakaina Masters

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