Miller & Underwood's Virgil Finlay books
   Virgil Finlay's Phantasms
   Virgil Finlay's Women Of The Ages
   Virgil Finlay's Strange Science

     Virgil Finlay's Phantasms   (1993)         This book was going great guns, page after page of crisp & tight reproductions of Finlay's supernaturalistic drawings, when suddenly, bang, there were 12 straight pages of longer works turned sideways - ouch.  Anyway, all told, you will find here 124 large featured images 'portrait-oriented', the color painting on the cover and the tinted full-bleed drawing on the back.  There's also three more pages each with two drawings together on them.  Most illustrations are identified, usually with a story's name, author and publication year.  Of course, this volume outscores the book, VIRGIL FINLAY from Donald M. Grant, that resides 'below-the-line' on The List.

     Virgil Finlay's Women Of The Ages   (1992)         O.K., this book has more than the one above.  16 more pages, but four of them are additional long works turned sideways, three of them additional text pages, and two of them additional interstitial pages, leaving less than half of them to be additional art.  So, 160 pages in all, plus the front covers & inner leaves, with 131 featured 'well-presented' works and three pages with a couple of images together.  The unacceptable sideways-turned pieces are even more puzzle-some when you see five other long images successfully placed across the gutter for double-page-spreads.  The self-portrait in the above book is repeated here.  All images that are story illustrations are captioned with the title, author and publication-year - the rest are labeled generically with what use they were put to.  All images feature women in some fashion (usually fantastical) and many are unclothed (that is, if you don't count the tentacles, skulls, butterflies, mists, clouds, stars, sparkles, leaves, bubbles, flowers, feathers, foam and flames that unerringly surround them . . .).

     Virgil Finlay's Strange Science   (1992)         I'm not sure how widespread it was, but this book was marketed as 'Virgil Finlay's SF & Horror' before it actually hit the shelves (same ISBN#).  160 pages plus an image on the inner leaves that isn't 'well-presented' otherwise.  Also, the dust-jacket provides a painting each on the front & back covers (which I imagine becomes actual covers on the softcover edition).  132 pages each sport a large single featured drawing reproduction and another two pages with two tall images on each.  18 pages are lost to long pieces turned sideways (again strange, when six of the 'good' pages are used to present three long pieces successfully, without resorting to that).  And four text pages about the artist.  All images are captioned in the same manner as in the two volumes above (that score just a bit better than this one).  Be aware that there is a bit of nudity to be found here.

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