Shameless Art
                                             (2010 - Underwood Books)  

     A great presentation of its art.  Not just pin-up, but also expanding a bit to collect examples of the theme from pulp & paperback covers as well.  Out of the book's 112 pages, 110 of them feature full-page reproductions of the original paintings.  Works are captioned with only the name of the artist, if known.  Therein lies its solitary mis-step, the lack of any context whatsoever as to where each particular work appeared, and by extension, what drove them into being.  The artists collected here (all 'well-presented') are:  Rolf Armstrong (6), James Avati (6)***, Vaughan Bass, Earle Bergey (3), Roy Best, Jim Bentley, Enoch Bolles (12), Sam Cherry, Forest H. Clough, Bradshaw Crandall (3), Rafael DeSoto (2)*, Peter Driben (2), Edward M. Eggleston, Freeman Elliott, Gil Elvgren (16)***, Art Frahm, Pál Fried, Pearl Frush, Edwin Georgi, Mabel Rollins Harris, Cardwell Higgins, Owen Kampen, Andrew Loomis, Robert McGinnis, Earl Moran (8), Zoë Mozert, Rudy Nappi, George Petty (6)**, Samson Pollen, Gene Pressler, Paul Rader, Bill Randall (6), William Reusswig, Arthur Sarnoff, Albert Vargas, Fritz Willis, Ted Withers (3), and UNKNOWN (3).

* - Note that the 'well-presented' pieces here by DeSoto can additionally be found so in his own collection on The List.

** - Note that the 'well-presented' pieces here by Petty cannot additionally be found so in his own collection on The List.

*** - Note that in regards to Avati's, and Elvgren's 'well-presented' pieces here, some, but not all, can additionally be found so in their own collections on The List.

other Underwood releases

  Tapestry - The Paintings Of Robert E. McGinnis

  Underwood's Jeffrey Catherine Jones books

  Savage Art

  Dreamquests - The Art Of Don Maitz

  Miller & Underwood's Stephen E. Fabian books

  Frank Frazetta - The Underwood retrospectives

  Miller & Underwood's Virgil Finlay books

  Spectrum 12 - The Best In Contemporary Fantastic Art

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