Virgil Finlay  (Grant)
                                             (1971 - Donald M. Grant)  

     [ - BELOW THE LINE - ]   This book's title is VIRGIL FINLAY, but you will frequently see it for sale as VIRGIL FINLAY: SELECTED ILLUSTRATIONS.  That is a misnomer, as the 'selected illustrations' are only 43 pages of the 153-page book.  56 pages are a checklist of Finlay's published magazine covers & illustrations and then another 30 are a biography.  So you can see that not enough of this book is art, which keeps it from rising up to be on The List.  Of the art, there are four color paintings, six double-page spreads (only three satisfy . . .) and one of the remaining single-page images is turned sideways.  I haven't canvassed the Finlay collections yet to confirm if some, or all, of these selections are additionally covered in them.

Related Books

  Miller & Underwood's Virgil Finlay books

Other Donald M. Grant releases

  The Paperback Art Of James Avati

  George Barr:  Upon The Winds Of Yesterday

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