George Barr:  Upon The Winds Of Yesterday
                                             (1976 - Donald M. Grant)  

     Note that this book's full title, as presented on the cover, is UPON THE WINDS OF YESTERDAY AND OTHER EXPLORATIONS - THE PAINTINGS OF GEORGE BARR.  A 142-page volume with 49 full-page paintings (and 8 such drawings) each faced with a white page that provides that piece's title, dimensions, medium, current owner, what use the it was put to, and frequently a little more commentary from the artist.  There's a single page displaying a number of personalized mini-paintings used as convention 'badges'.  One longer work was turned sideways on the page and seven others were allowed to spread over the central-gutter (all remaining satisfactory in that presentation, mostly due to judicious use of the portfolio centers).  There's a ten-page introduction to the artist and several more pages given to an appreciation from artist Tim Kirk and an afterword from Barr himself.  I'd say about half of these works are comercial pieces and the other half are commisioned and personal pieces.  Most of the works here incline to fantasy, fairy-tale and whimsy.  I find his compositions captivating and with this volume approaching 50-years of age, I'd wish for another one for the many works not included or produced after it appeared.

Other Donald M. Grant releases

  The Paperback Art Of James Avati

  Virgil Finlay  [BELOW THE LINE]

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