A Hannes Bok Showcase
                                             (1995 - Charles F. Miller)  

     (edited by Stephen D. Korshak)    Do not confuse this book with the similarly titled "The Hannes Bok Memorial Showcase Of Fantasy Art".  This is a 106-page volume of this artist's unique art.  You'll find 84 full-page reproductions and two more pages with two drawings each.  Six of the featuring pages are paintings while the rest are finished black-&-white drawings.  Six pages were lost to taking longer works and turning them sidewise on the page (two of those were color works (one of these was used again, oriented correctly, as the wraparound cover for the book, but still falls short as a display of the painting)).  The remaining pages are text about the artist.  The works are identified with a title, or the title & author of a story being illustrated, along with a creation-year.  Unfortunately, a healthy number of the exhibits carry just the simple caption "black and white illustration", but the Internet Speculative Fiction Database website (isfdb.org), in their coverage of the book, does identify most of those.

other Miller releases

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  Miller & Underwood's Stephen E. Fabian books

  Miller & Underwood's Virgil Finlay books

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