Focus On George Pérez
                                             (1985 - Fantagraphics Books)  

     [-BELOW THE LINE-]   The cover is a nice color piece and then everything in the interior is black-and-white.  A number of different contributors examine major aspects of Pérez's career up-through the mid-1980s, with both a checklist and interview.  Of the book's 119 pages, nearly 80 are primarily text, with three-quarters of them having some small spot drawing, comic panel, or cover reproduction, but their appearance is not the best - they usually seem 'muddy' (sometimes copied from a colored source).  Only 24 pages could be said to be dominated by the art (though I'm not counting 10-or-so pages that are examples of his pencil-preliminaries for his comic pages).  21 of those 24 are large, usually full-page, reproductions of a spotlighted piece.  Much of the early work he is known for are superheroes, so that represents most of the examples here.  For a better display of his art, one should look first at THE ART OF GEORGE PEREZ and then GEORGE PEREZ: STORYTELLER.

Related Books

  The Art Of George Pérez

  George Pérez: Storyteller

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