The Art Of George Pérez This 288-page book of Pérez's artwork scores as the best of his on The List, so far, even though it is about a third too big to be within optimal-size range. A lot of Pérez's renown is for his sequential storytelling skills and there's a lot of such examples included here, frequently mixed with his own commentary about what was going on in the projects being cited (he has a lot to say throughout the book). After pages of those, you will find 75 with multiple single-images gathered together (many comic covers) and another 147 featuring large uncluttered reproductions. 16 of those pages present eight double-page-spreads, frequently of his huge hundreds-of-characters conglomerations, and only one of them cannot be appreciated because of the deep gutter. Almost every exhibit is captioned with its title, or the use it was put to, along with publication year, and the inker, if there was one. If you've only followed Marvel & DC, then there's a lot here to discover. I especially liked the 22-page community-theatre 'poster' section. If you are into perusing every word-balloon, then you are going to be reading this book for a while. Related Books Focus On George Pérez [BELOW THE LINE] other IDW releases Roy G. Krenkel: Father Of Heroic Fantasy - A Centennial Celebration The Art Of Jim Starlin - A Life In Words And Pictures Frank R. Paul - The Dean Of Science Fiction Illustration Dave Stevens: Covers & Stories The Art Of Pulp Fiction - An Illustrated History Of Vintage Paperbacks The Art Of The Pulps - An Illustrated History Alien Invasions! The History Of Aliens In Pop Culture Michael Wm. Kaluta Sketchbook Series vol.1 & 2 SEND US A COMMENT (goes via e-mail - all info kept anonymous, but comment itself may be shared . . .) |