George Pérez: Storyteller
                                             (2006 - Dynamic Forces)  

     (by Christopher Lawrence)  Ideally sized with bright colors and drawings crisp & clear.  208 pages with 66 full-page art pieces presented.  Many other pages have multiple images and comic pages displayed, with the text being an in-depth examination of Pérez's career to date, with its highs & lows.  I was impressed by the frank discussions about the times industry politics got in the way of his projects' completions and those where he himself had proved unreliable.  Besides a lot of examples of the work he did for the Marvel and DC comic companies, there is a very healthy portion of work that he created for himself and several lesser-known enterprises.  Several pages were given over to the re-printing of one of his science-fiction stories.  Even though firmly focused on his comic work, there is such breadth to his oeuvre that there is still able to be incredible diversity to the pieces displayed.  THE ART OF GEORGE PEREZ scores as a better overall collection of his work.

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  The Art Of George Pérez

  Focus On George Pérez  [BELOW THE LINE]

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