Kenneth Smith:  Phantasmagoria
                                             (1990 - Fantagraphics)  

     Kenneth Smith, during his academic career, produced five issues of Phantasmagoria, a self-created saddle-stitched periodical featuring his own artwork and stories (either graphic or illustrated) before bringing that all to a close.  A number of years later, after some life-changes and having moved his artistic muse beyond their previous flirtatious status,  Fantagraphics and he put out this "sixth issue" (square-bound) of Phantasmagoria, now a collection of materials from the previous issues mixed with other professional work produced since then.  Within these 64 pages, there are 32 featured large reproductions, another page of multiple images pulled together, 17 sequential-art pages and ten text pages with stories, biography & introduction.  Several of those interior reproductions are of paintings and are displayed here in color (and two more paintings on the front & back covers) and then the rest of the book is his black-&-white drawings.  The book showcases his weird beasties, and the fantastical landscapes they cavort in.

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