Liberatore's Women
                                             (1997 - Kitchen Sink Press)  

     Not appropriate for children or adolescents.  79 art pages in this 90-odd page book.  Nine of those are pages with multiple images, but the rest are single large reproductions, split between drawings and paintings.  There is a dramatic sensibility here that makes these art pieces hard to classify as pin-up and indeed it seems there is sometimes the intention to artistically shock the viewer.  Many of paintings are presented in a full-bleed fashion which, along with other creative framing, makes the book a handsome volume.  There is text throughout, being excerpts from Bebo Moroni's novel, KINGDOM OF THE FLESH.  A great deal of nudity, but more than just body studies, adult themes are graphically embraced in some of the images, so I suggest keeping it put away from children.

other Kitchen Sink Press books

  The Frazetta Pillow Book

  Michael Wm. Kaluta Sketchbook

  Will Eisner Color Treasury

  The Erotic Art Of Reed Waller

  The Art Of Will Eisner  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Steve Rude Sketchbook  [BELOW THE LINE]

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