The Art Of Will Eisner
                                             (1982 - Kitchen Sink Press)  

     [-BELOW THE LINE-]   (by Catherine Yronwode)   If you want more of Eisner's dynamic splash-pages rather than sheets of his sequential art, then this book has to take a back seat to the WILL EISNER COLOR TREASURY.  Even though I'm looking at the 1989 "updated, revised" edition, this 144-page book is still lacking enough examples of what I'm looking for, though as a canvassing of the arc of the man's illustrious graphic storytelling career, it probably has few peers.  You'll find here only 31 large, nearly whole page, reproductions of his work and another 17 pages collecting together various images.  The rest of the book is mostly strips & stories sampling from the decades of his output.  That is mixed in with some informative text, pictures, and a bunch of color posters, and the like, presented here in grey-tone.

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  Will Eisner Color Treasury

  Will Eisner portfolios   [BELOW THE LINE]

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  The Frazetta Pillow Book

  Liberatore's Women

  Michael Wm. Kaluta Sketchbook

  Will Eisner Color Treasury

  The Erotic Art Of Reed Waller

  Steve Rude Sketchbook  [BELOW THE LINE]

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