Collector Press's Pulp cover collections The Incredible Pulps (2006) First, make sure you note this book's smaller size, 6.5-by-5.5 inches. Subtitled A GALLERY OF FICTION MAGAZINE ART, this book has 176 pages, 129 of which are reserved to each present a single pulp magazine cover reproduced so as to fill up the page - so not terribly small, but most people would want them larger, at least the size of the original magazines themselves. Then there are another 25 pages that present another three covers each. There are eight pages of text giving an overview of the birth and ultimate demise of the pulp phenomenon. The collection is broken down into four groups: Science Fiction & Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Adventure & Western (with the distinction between the middle two not really clear at all) and each of those sections have title pages and an accompanying art-piece that's a blown-up detail of an included cover. The images are each of the entire magazine covers themselves, with the title logo and promotional text. All the covers are captioned with the magazine title, publication date (not always correct) and either the painter's name or the designation 'Artist Unknown'. In that first Sci-Fi section, the designation seems to be seen way too often - unnecessarily so, as all but two were easily determinable a decade ago when this was published. For example, five or more were clearly known as Frank R. Paul covers, gracing magazines that he was known as the main artist for. Anyway, with not a whole lot of collections featuring just the art so prominently, that leaves a book like this, even with its flaws, still a lot of fun to page thru. The artists who got a full-page reproduction of their work are: Henry Alan, Allen Anderson (2)***, Lyman Anderson, Walter M. Baumhofer (7), Rudolph Belarski (5), Earle Bergey (4), Jack Binder, Howard V. Brown, Edd Cartier, Emery Clarke, C.B. Colby, John A. Coughlin (2), Fred Craft (2), Gerard Delano (3), Stan Drake, Richard R. Epperly, Virgil Finlay (3), Frank Kelly Freas**, Robert Fuqua, Robert G. Harris, Laurence Herndon, Don Hewitt, Lejaren Hiller, John Newton Howitt (5), Robert Gibson Jones, Stephen Lawrence (4), Alexander Leydenfrost, Richard Lillis, Tom Lovell (3)**, Erich Lundgren, Milton Luros (2), Leo Morey (3), H.C. Murphy, Frank R. Paul (12)***, V.E. Pyles, Sidney Risenberg, Hubert Rogers (2), George Rozen (3), Jerome Rozen, John Ruger (2), Rod Ruth, Norman Saunders, J.W. Scott (2), May Sherman, Malvin Singer, J. Allen St. John, Modest Stein, Dalton Stevens, Lawrence Sterne Stevens (4), Peter Stevens, Allen Store, James Stuart, Lawrence D. Toney, H.J. Ward (2)***, R.C. Wardel, Jack Warren, Emmett Watson (2), Wesso (2), Rudolph W. Zirm (3), and UNKNOWN (15). ** - Note that the 'well-presented' pieces here by Freas, Lovell, and Cartier cannot additionally be found so in their own collections on The List. *** - Note that in regards to the 'well-presented' pieces here by Anderson, Paul, and Ward, some, but not all, can additionally be found so in their own collections on The List.
* - Note that the 'well-presented' pieces here by Paul, and St. John can all additionally be found so in their own collections on The List. *** - Note that in regards to the the 'well-presented' pieces here by Saunders, and Ward, some, but not all, can additionally be found so in their own collections on The List. other pulp cover collections Pulp Art - Original Cover Paintings for the Great American Pulp Magazines The Classic Era Of American Pulp Magazines Fantastic Science Fiction Art 1926-1954 The Art Of The Pulps - An Illustrated History Cheap Thrills - An Informal History Of The Pulp Magazine [BELOW THE LINE] The Pulps: Fifty Years Of American Pop Culture [BELOW THE LINE] The Adventure House Guide To The Pulps [BELOW THE LINE] The Dime Detectives [BELOW THE LINE] other Collectors Press releases Collectors Press's classic pin-up collections Collectors Press's comic art collections Collectors Press's Sci-Fi art collections Elvgren Girls I & II (Artist Archives) Collectors Press's Fantasy & Horror art collections Gil Elvgren - The Wartime Pin-Ups Varga Girls I & II (Artist Archives) [BELOW THE LINE] Vintage Illustration - Discovering America's Calendar Artists 1900-1960 [BELOW THE LINE] The Spirit Portfolio [BELOW THE LINE] SEND US A COMMENT (goes via e-mail - all info kept anonymous, but comment itself may be shared . . .) |