The Women Of Manara
                                             (1995 - Heavy Metal)  

     Not appropriate for children or adolescents.  This is an 87-page collection of Milo Manara's erotic work, which is indeed mostly large reproductions of the art (70 pages including the cover and inner-leaves) accompanied by several short poetic-ish essays.  There's another ten pages with two smaller images grouped together.  The downfall here seems to be the nine less-than-satisfactory double-page spreads included in the art count.  Though nothing is captioned, I recognize many of these selections as being gathered from various publications - There are chapter groupings entitled Starlets, Between Themselves, The Humiliated, On The Balcony, City Of Pleasures, Transportation, Shadow Prey, Aquatic, Futures and Secret Garden.  A couple of these chapters are really just very broad sequential 'stories'.  The work travels through some futuristic, fantasy and symbological realms, but most of the rest has a modern-day feel.  Plenty of nudity, but also some graphic goings-on that moves the book into keep-put-away-from-children land.

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