Roy G. Krenkel:  Swordsmen And Saurians
                                             (1989 - Eclipse Books)  

     At 11-by-13-inches, this tome is about twice as thick as would be optimal in the 'heft' department.  Despite the title, the full listing of sectioned groupings inside would be:  Saurians, Early Mammals, Sabertooth Cats, Cavemen, Conan And The Three Kings, Swordsmen, Tarzan, Burroughs And Pellucidar, Barsoom, and Science Fiction.  There are color images on the front & back covers and a single color plate bound in - the rest of the exhibits are black-&-white, being fully-realized drawings, as well as sketches, comps and preliminaries (many for final versions that were not produced, or least never came to light).  Out of the book's 152 pages, half (78) gather multiple images together and another 50 that could each be said to feature a dominant reproduction (many of those use their remaining negative space to spot an additional image or two).  Unfortunately, a dozen more pages display their artwork turned sideways.  No captioning whatsoever.  This site recommends the collections, RGK, FATHER OF HEROIC FANTASY and CITIES & SCENES, before this one, and indeed there is a handful or two of repeats from them found here (some might consider a couple of the presentations better here), but I think there's enough work here, not yet seen in them, to merit adding this to your bookshelf as well.  Interesting story found elsewhere about this volume - The book actually originates with Krenkel himself, influencing the formulation of what was to be collected, along with chaptering & layout.  But everything came to a halt upon his death.  The efforts of his inspired and steadfast friends started the very slow wheels to turn, to actually make the book a reality - six years after his passing.

Related Books

  RGK - The Art Of Roy G. Krenkel

  Roy G. Krenkel:  Father Of Heroic Fantasy - A Centennial Celebration

  Roy G. Krenkel:  Cities & Scenes From The Ancient World

  Roy G. Krenkel - Portfolio # 1  [BELOW THE LINE]

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