Roy G. Krenkel - Portfolio # 1
                                             (1983 - Fantastic Visions)  

     [-BELOW THE LINE-]   Note that while this was specifically entitled PORTFOLIO # 1, no others seemed to have followed.  The book is staple-bound with no real spine, thus it doesn't make it onto The List.  Otherwise, it is 48 pages, making use of the front, back & inside covers - almost all artwork.  This was released shortly after Krenkel's death and there's a bit of appreciatory text before the display.  There's a handful of 'finished' drawings that are very special and the rest are pencil-pieces along a gradient from thumbnail sketch to nearly-finished.  17 pages showcase a large reproduction that fills the page and then there are 21 pages with multiple drawings.  Disappointingly, seven more pages are drawings turned on their side.  The subjects are mostly the fantasy savagery of cavemen & dinosaurs, with some pieces of wonderful science-fiction.  Many of the figures and close-ups would seem to be studies and sketches, rather than illustrating with something dramatic in mind.  (Lack of captioning does not make it any easier to tell . . .).  There is some nudity among the drawings of female cavewomen and warriors.  Obviously, all of the books up on The List score significantly better than this one and the 'better' pieces found here are repeats from them.  Alternatively, there's a healthy amount of material here not seen in them, but nothing that would be termed an 'undiscovered gem'.

Related Books

  RGK - The Art Of Roy G. Krenkel

  Roy G. Krenkel:  Father Of Heroic Fantasy - A Centennial Celebration

  Roy G. Krenkel:  Cities & Scenes From The Ancient World

  Roy G. Krenkel:  Swordsmen And Saurians

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