Society Of Illustrators Centennial Benefit Auction
                                             (2001 - Society Of Illustrators)  

     A nice catalog for this special auction.  101 art pages out of the book's 116.  21 large featured reproductions and the other 80 having two-or-more images on display.  Everything is captioned with the artist's name, the title, the client for which it was produced & the book-or-product it was applied to, and the medium & size.  There's 13 pages of artist biographies.  'Standard' illustration takes the lion's share of the images, more than 100, just more than the rest combined, though adventure/romance makes a healthy showing, followed by SF/Fantasy and the smatterings of juvenile/caricature, western and nudes.  Know that it doesn't yet appear on the standard bookselling sites, so our link attempts an Ebay search.  Those who got a piece featured on a page all by itself are:  Bill Charmatz, Dean Cornwell, John Craig, Teresa Fasolina, Bart Forbes, Bernie Fuchs, Hardie Gramatry, H. Tom Hall, Glenn Harrington, Gene Hoffman, John Howard, Robert Hunt, Stephen T. Johnson, Gary Kelley, Hiro Kimura, Robert McGinnis**, Wendell Minor*, Tim O'Brien, C.F. Payne, Chris Spollen, and Murray Tinkelman.

* - Note that Minor's 'well-presented' piece here can additionally be found so in his own collection on The List.

** - Note that the 'well-presented' piece here by McGinnis cannot additionally be found so in his own collections on The List.

other auction catalogues

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  Sotheby's 1993 June (Comic Books/Comic Art)

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