Kazuaki Iwasaki:  Visions Of The Universe
                                             (1981 - The Cosmos Store)  

     (written by Isaac Asimov)   My 'system' says that, with 106-pages, this book is ideally handle-ble for the product of its height & width (10.5-by-14.5 inches), but actually, so much of its dimensions is devoted to its width, that it's more unmanageable than most.  Look at my cover-image to see what I mean.  Iwasaki's 46 space-paintings are then presented as each impressively taking up all of their full-pages, faced with Asimov's text about what's being depicted.  85% of the book is taken up with features of just our solar-system (including sampling Earth's entire lifespan) leaving the volume's title seeming a bit hyperbolic.  It is rounded out with few text pages about astronomical-art in general.

other Astronomical art monographs

  Hardyware - The Art Of David A. Hardy

  Lynette R. Cook:  Infinite Worlds - An Illustrated Voyage To Planets Beyond Our Sun  [BELOW THE LINE]

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