Art Of Chiodo
                                             (1997 - Image Comics (Wildstorm Productions))  

     Note that there seem to be three editions of this book, each sporting a slightly different cover (look at the displayed art behind the smoking babe . . .).  This is a fun colorful 95-page collection, with 24 of them with two or three images together and another 59 each featuring a large single reproduction (most of which are presented as full-bleed or backgrounded with black or a saturated pastel).   The art is gathered into chapters with the titles: Early Years, Science Fiction, Babe, Time Travel, Comics, and Future Works; finishing up with text sections, About The Artist, and A Few Kind Words. There is one double-page-spread that is o.k., but there's also two pages of sequential art.  Few things are captioned and/or identified.  You'll find art here with some diversity, not just in his signature style.  WORKS OF ART-JOE CHIODO scores as bit of a better package, but there are few repeats from that volume, so you'll want both books.

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  Works Of Art - Joe Chiodo

other Image Comics releases

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  The Art Of Greg Horn vols.1 & 2

  Frank Cho:  Women - Selected Drawings & Illustrations

  Image Comics's Jay Anacleto collections

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