Frank Cho:  Women - Selected Drawings & Illustrations
                                             (2006 - Image Comics)  

     A solid collection of drawings, broken into five groupings entitled Comics And Covers, Jungle Girls, Liberty Meadows, Mars Needs Women, and Fine Art Nudes.  The book has 112 pages with 65 of them featuring large reproductions of 'finished' art (along with another seven that each sport a sketch version of the featured piece, just as large).  There is another 13 pages with full-page sketches, none of which apparently moved on to completion.  Finally, add to that three pages that have smaller multiple images gathered together.  A handful of the leftover pages are very sketchy or formulated as almost model-sheets for whatever project was being worked on.  None of the works are directly captioned, but the subjects shouldn't be too mysterious if you are familiar with the type of projects he had been working on or created (comics-related or mostly in the fantasy genre).  There is some nudity, but what isn't just anatomical sketch studies does not cross over into the salacious.

other Image Comics releases

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  The Art Of Greg Horn vols.1 & 2

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  Art Of Chiodo

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