The Paperback Covers Of Robert McGinnis
                                             (2001 - Paul Langmuir Books)  

     (compiled by Art Scott and Dr. Wallace Maynard)   Seeing how this volume is subtitled "A complete listing of the 1,068 titles and 1,432 editions of the paperback illustrations of Robert McGinnis", you might imagine that the presenting of the art itself is not the main thrust, and indeed, both of the more career-comprehensive collections, TAPESTRY and ART OF ROBERT E. McGINNIS, score as far better books for that.  However, this book did get itself up onto The List and out of its 142 pages, there are 38 impressive large reproductions (three spread o.k. over the gutter), most from the original art, and only 11 of those appear in the others (and one of those is better here).  Also another 40 pages give primary space to smaller images showing many of the paperback covers included in the man's oeuvre.  That, and the primarily text pages that give up a bit of room to show some more covers, provide hundreds of images that will probably never be collected elsewhere.  As valuable a resource as this may be, do know that the artist still did a few more cover illustrations after the 2001 publication date, so it is not quite complete.  The main list sorts all of the data by the author being illustrated, but there is a more condensed list that provides the titles in alphabetical order.  Since the paperbacks in question were usually out on public display, the characters (mostly female) are seemingly 'shameless', but usually clothed.  The book is a slightly smaller and squarish than usual, at roughly 10-by-8 inches.

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  Tapestry - The Paintings Of Robert E. McGinnis

  The Art Of Robert E. McGinnis

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