The Art Of Robert E. McGinnis
                                             (2014 - Titan Books)  

     Just about right at 9-by-12 inches and 176 pages, and impressive with only seven of those pages being more text than art.  There are 145 pages with each a large reproduction and 44 of those are glorious full-bleeds.  There are 17 double-page-spreads, and while it wouldn't be my first choice to present those art pieces like that, only three of them could really be said to be ruined by the split.  This is a broad overview of the artist's career, including book covers, movie posters, magazine illustration and his personal paintings & landscapes.  There are short narrative overviews introducing each section, but they are not extensive - the biography and interview take up only seven pages and those have to share room with some art as well.  In regards to his paperback covers & movie promotionals, for which he is known more than anything else, almost all of the ones presented here are as the original paintings.  The works are captioned with the title, origination year and medium, along with publisher & author, if an illustration.  In most of the work, the female form is on display, with no shortage of nudity.  Personally, I'd say while those pieces that one might call fine art are indeed striking, it is the illustrative work (three-quarters of the book), that stands out as being one-of-a-kind.  The smaller McGinnis collection, TAPESTRY, makes just slightly better use of its pages and edges this the one out of the top slot, but only 30-odd 'well-presented' images here are repeats and three others are actually displayed better here.

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  The Paperback Covers Of Robert McGinnis

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