Dinosaurs, Mammoths, And Cavemen - The Art Of Charles R. Knight
                                             (1982 - E.P. Dutton)  

     (by Sylvia Massey Czerkas & Donald F. Glut)   If you are like me, you've gone into any number of Natural History museums, marveled at the murals depicting bygone times and their denizens, and wished you had a way to take all that art home to keep.  This book is what you wanted.  It is a collection of artworks by Charles R. Knight, who actually created many of the very depictions that we are talking about.  74 pages of the book's 129 is an impressive 'gallery' of more than 100 paintings, presented against a black background, with a large handful of full-bleed works.  Ten or so longer works, capturing huge murals, are presented across the book's split, but are not impacted much by it.  The other pages are an extensive biography and an exploration of how he made this singular pursuit into his own artistic field, as well as detailing the paleontological knowledge he had to garner to accomplish that.  That section has some pencil pieces, but mostly the text is accompanied by photographs of the artist working or of the three-dimensional pieces he also created.  In all, 45 pages sport large reproductions and a little less than that have groupings of smaller images. Everything is captioned with the origination-year, the museum or other source, a pretty detailed description of what's being depicted and sometimes an anecdote about its creation.  Know that the artist's greatest strength seems to be the ability to find and depict the drama in the lives of his subjects.  My experience with this 30-year-old paperback is the same as other's - it won't hold up - Perhaps securing a hardcopy edition should be your first endeavor (though that would seem to be a costly one . . .).

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