Zdenek Burian:  Prehistoric Animals
                                             (1956 - Spring Books)  

     [BELOW THE LINE]   (by Dr. Joseph Augusta)    I have a very early edition of this book and can't speak to whether later ones improved in their art presentation, maybe even enough to get it up onto The List, but I doubt it.  This book is first and foremost an explication of the majesty of the eons of flora & fauna that existed on Earth before man, and as such, the focus is on the information being put forth, and 100 of the book's 171 pages reflects just that.  So, there are 60 plates of art on hand, and even if each one was 'well-presented' by this site's standards, the volume would not have a large enough portion of such to elevate it up onto The List.  With that said, of those 60 full-page plates, only 13 are in actuality 'well-presented'.  All the rest are turned sideways (along with their accompanying text-page).  Be aware that this book was first produced in the authors' native Czechoslovakia before finding a worldwide audience.  In fact, this book is the first of series of such early paleontological-reconstruction tomes from Augusta and the iconic Burian.  A few of the plates are charcoal pieces and a number are in black-&-white (it's not clear which were originally painted as such).

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