Hajime Sorayama:   Pin-up
                                             (1984 - Graphic-sha Publishing)  

     So far, this is the best presented collection of Sorayama's work on The List, 78 pages, with 68 of them being full- bleed and then another five bordered full-pagers and only another four being multi-image pages.  That leaves nothing for text or captions in my early edition of the book (but later ones may be expanded with some commentary . . .).  Unfortunately 28 of those full-bleed pages are used for 14 double-page spreads, of which only six could be said to make acceptable use of the book's gutter.  There is nudity, along with leather, lingerie, 11 of his signature robotic/semi-robotic women (one of them being a Wonder Woman homage) and Marilyn Monroe shows up as a subject a couple of times.  Some of the images are so suggestive of adult themes that I keep the book put away from children.

Related Books

  Sorayama Hyper Illustrations  1 & 2


  Hajime Sorayama   (Taschen)

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