Hajime Sorayama:  Naga
                                             (1997 - Sukuhinsha)  

     [one cover partially withheld]  Not appropriate for children or adolescents.  Oversized book, 14 x 10 inches.  100 pages, of which 94 are full-bleed art pages.  Unfortunately, 56 of those pages are used for 28 double-page spreads, none of which are satisfactory, with the book's gutter intruding on the object of desire depicted.  There are even three pages where the clear sideways orientation is a take-away.  Note that there are no titles or captions.  As I opened with, the art is more than celebrations of the female form - adult themes are explored heavily and it's outré to say the least.  Fetishistic in it's inclusion of piercings, bindings, restraints, leather, latex, boots & heels, with angels, devils, snakes, spiders, scorpions, robotics & machines.  Some of these radical 'pin-ups' are of fantastical creatures, not human (nor, in a couple of instances, meeting the definition of female, for that matter . . .).

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  Hajime Sorayama   (Taschen)

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