The Art Of Irvin Bomb
                                             (2001 - NBM (the Amerotica imprint))  

     Not appropriate for children or adolescents.  A book of 64 pages, with 43 of them being large displays of Bomb's art and another nine with a couple of images each.  The rest of the book are photo pages showing how he achieves the level of realism he does in his paintings and other activities he's been involved in (like body-painting a nude zebra girl to cavort at a chi-chi New York party).  There are seven double-page spreads, but surprisingly only two are slightly marred, or distorted, by the book's central gutter.  While the particular attraction to his work seems to be how they are undetectable as paintings unless really focused on, to my eyes, they lack something else that we look for in such a work, something we can't see every day.  Now he achieves that when he takes the photo of his model and makes her vampire, a mermaid or the devil's thrall, but there's any number of images here that are seem exactly like the photograph he took (maybe with an abstract background) - Why bother ?  Anyway, like I said, about half of the reproductions here move into the fantasy realm with a very dark edge, in addition to leather & lingerie (and apparently no boys allowed).  The book is marked "adults only" and I have to agree. The females are too involved with each other for this to be okay for young ones.

other NBM releases

  Wings Of Twilight - The Art Of Michael Kaluta

  The Art Of Bryan Talbot

  NBM's Luis Royo books

  The Art Of Segrelles

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