Rivals Of Rockwell
                                             (1992 - Crescent Books)  

     (by Dorye Roettger) Norman Rockwell was most closely associated with the cover paintings of the general-interest magazine, THE SATURDAY EVENING POST.  The 'rivals' referred to in the title here are the stable of cover artists for what was the next runner-up of such magazines, LIBERTY (1924 - 1950).  Know that well over half the book is devoted to the paintings of Leslie Thrasher, and the lion's share of those for illustrations from the magazine's ongoing series of homey vignettes, "For the Love O' Lil", following the life of the eponymous young & pretty stenographer.  There are no multi-image pages to be found, all the 98 non-text pages being 'well-presented' dedicated displays of the paintings.  Many of the pieces are full-bleed as well (though the single double-page spread is a disaster).  The quality is great, with all the colors, both lively and subdued, appearing vibrant on every page.  The text gives an overview of LIBERTY's history along with essays on the magazine's major areas of interest, entitled "American Life", "Sports And Recreation" and "Child's Play", with paintings grouped that way.  The artists featured are:  Harold N. Anderson (2), McClelland Barclay, Rudolph Belarski, Phil Berry, Edmund Davenport, Joseph Farrelly, Robert G. Harris, Jan H. Hogenbyl, William Hoople, Walter Beach Humphrey, Robert C. Kauffmann (2), Mat Kauten, J. F. Kernan (4), Percy Lee, H.R. McBride, Jay Nourbel, Herbert Paus, Russell Sambrook, H. Dennis Simpson, Arthur Smith, Frederick Stanley (2), Herbert M. Stoops, Victor Tchetchet, Leslie Thrasher (62), Charles H. Towne (2), H.J. Ward*, Revere F. Wistehuff (3) and Edgar F. Wittmack.

* - Note that the 'well-presented' piece here by Ward can additionally be found so in his own collection on The List.

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