Adolf Schaller:  Extraterrestrials - A Field Guide For Earthlings
                                             (1994 - Camden House)  

     (by Terence Dickinson)    A 64-page book geared to juveniles, but Schaller's art for the project is at an adult level.  There are eight pages with an alien drawing accompanying the information being conveyed as well as another seven pages with multiple-images presented, mostly painted.  Then there are 24 more large-reproductions of Schaller's paintings also created for this project.  They join quite a number of photographs and diagrams meant to illuminate mankind's growing knowledge of astronomical features & possible astro-biological environs, and speculation about how they all might affect the development of life 'out there' and what that life might look like, coming from those conditions.  There's also a featured image from one of the earliest moving-pictures, A Trip To The Moon [ Le Voyage dans la Lune ], from the artistry of Georges Méliès.  At the end of the book there is found a informational-block that exhaustively provides the credits of all the exhibits.

other solo illustrated projects

  Graeme Base:  Anamalia

  James Gurney:  Dinotopia

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